Friday, March 18, 2016

8 Effective email Marketing Strategies

Here we have an interesting article about email marketing. These are the 8 recommendations to be followed
1.       Personalize your email without using the recipient’s name: No more “Dear [INSERT NAME HERE]”. Focus on product personalization, in which customers are directed to products that their past purchasing patterns suggest they will like, triggered positive responses in 98 percent of customers.
2.       The long and short of subject lines:  Appears to be really only one area to avoid: the subject line of 60 to 70 characters. Marketers refer to this as the “dead zone” of subject length. Go long for clickthroughs; keep it short for opens.
3.        8:00 p.m. to midnight is the prime time to send your email:

4.       The best content is free content: Give something away: Bluewire Media tested various types of content to see what led to the highest rates for opens and clicks. The winner was templates and tools, just the kind of freebies that email readers want.
5.       Mobile opens accounts for 47 percent of all email opens: So Design the email to be read in mobile platform
6.       Email still reigns over Facebook and Twitter: Surprisingly, studies showed that Email ruled supreme, by almost double.
7.       Send email on the weekends: While not as overwhelming a winner as the 8:00 p.m. to midnight time of day, Saturday and Sunday did outperform their weekday counterparts
8.       Re-engage an inactive group of subscribers: Research has found that the average inactivity for a list is 63 percent, meaning that once someone joins they are less likely to ever follow-up with your follow-up emails. Email marketing firm Listrak goes so far as to identify the first 90 days as the window for turning a sign-up into a devotee (and they lay out a plan for doing so).

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