Thursday, March 31, 2016

Could digital marketing help cure the health care industry?

I realize I’m a bit obsessed with this topic as I’m working for a struggling hospital despite its prime location.  So, revenue growth for most nonprofit hospitals is declining (also thanks to Obamacare and its embarrassingly low reimbursement), and hospitals are scrambling for ways to attract revenue-generating patients while also controlling spending.  Digital media can measure the success of online campaigns by measuring the return on marketing investment.  TV, radio, print, and out of home ads can built brand awareness, but search engine marketing is more significant as it takes a targeted approach.  Digital’s measurability helps defend marketing budgets.
Mobile – health-care marketers like Mayo Clinic are building responsive sites that emphasize the mobile experience as patients look for easy access to wellness advice, e.g., pregnancy app.  Telemedicine, in which patients receive treatment via video calls, also has a growing presence.  It also cuts costs for hospitals and patients. Although reimbursements for telemedicine services are tricky, one can’t argue with its effectiveness in efficient care.

Social – power of the testimonial is key in healthcare, as patients and families researching diagnoses often turn to patients with similar experiences.  They help patients connect and share.

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