Friday, March 04, 2016

Forum Over Substance: Podcast Advertizing

I’m relatively new to the vast and rapidly expanding Podcast domain. The wide array of content is amazing and I’ve found a number of shows that consistently enrich my day. Turns out that the proportion of Americans listening to podcasts has nearly doubled in the past seven years and is projected to continue growing for the foreseeable future. Since interest in podcasting has risen so sharply, an increasing number of advertisers are leveraging this trend to promote products and services.
One of my favorite things about Podcasts is the general authenticity found in this form of digital media. It took me a while to realize that my favorite podcasts even contained ads because hosts are extremely sensitive to supporting brands that would not resonate with their target audience and the ads are delivered in a narrative by the host or co-host, people that I generally trust and admire. Because I respect the opinions of my favorite hosts, I feel compelled to investigate the products that they support. Additionally, the intimate, unscripted episodes put my guard down and I never feel like a company is trying to selling me something.
Studies show that podcast advertising stands heads and shoulders above traditional display advertising. According to one poll, 71% of viewers visited a podcaster’s website and 62% considered purchasing their product or service compared to the 0.06% average click-through rate for display ads.

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