Saturday, March 19, 2016

Instagram Ads

This past summer, roughly three years after its 2012 acquisition of the service, Facebook opened up Instagram’s ad API.
It’s important to make a disclaimer that brands were present on Instagram before but could share their content only with users, following them. Now, brands could provide sponsored content, which will be showed to anyone meeting their target audience criteria. Personally, I think Instagram is a great advertising channel, for two reasons: 1) it’s hard to miss or ignore the ads, because a user needs to look at it before scrolling down; 2) on Instagram users are consuming photos and video, so they are more relaxed, less focused and therefore more receptive to the add.
 There 3 ads formats available: Image Ads, Video Ads and Carousel Ads. Those brands already advertising on Instagram usually have one of the following objectives:  
- Send people to important section of their website
- Get people to install your mobile app
- Tell a story using video
- Drive mass awareness to a broad audience
According to Instagram, ad recall from sponsored posts on the platform was 2.8 times higher than Nielsen’s norms for online advertising across nearly 500 campaigns measured globally with Nielsen Brand Effect in June. Recent data by social analytics firm Shareablee also concluded that Instagram prompted three times more customer actions than Facebook and Twitter.
Taco Bell, Mercedes-Benz and Chobani were some of the earliest adopters to have experimented with sponsored posts on Instagram as its foremost brand partners. While Taco Bell used Instagram to announce its new breakfast menu in April and saw a 29 point lift in its ad recall, Mercedes-Benz used Instagram to launch its compact SUV called the “GLA” in conjunction with Facebook last fall and saw a 580 percent increase in visits to its site.

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