Thursday, March 03, 2016

One Bot, Two Bot, Reb Bot, Blue Bot

There was a recent article in the WSJ discussing an uptick in programmatic advertising despite bots still being a nuisance.

Marketers are increasingly using automated ad buying in their advertising budgets.  According to Forrester, 79% of advertisers used programmed ad buys in 2015.  This is up from 35% in 2014.  It is also expected that this type of ad buying will grow another 40% in 2016.  

Despite these eye-popping numbers, 70% of the people polled by Forester said they were concerned about increasing levels of bot fraud prevalent in programmatic ad buys.  The Association of National Advertisers (ANA) estimates that advertisers wasted $7 billion (yes with a b) on online ads that no human ever saw last year.

Another concern that advertisers have is transparency into how much an ad actually costs when purchasing through an automated portal.  They are also starting to wonder if there is something to be gained from the voluminous amounts of information obtained via this approach.

About a third of the respondents said they would expand their in-house capabilities to manage programmatic buying in the future.  They will additionally request more detailed reporting from their agency partners.

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