Wednesday, March 23, 2016

RIP Ad Firms: Machine Learning Delivers Email Marketing Gains

Despite mobile and social media being all the rage, the majority of brands are increasing their marketing budgets this year, and the majority still says email is one of the most effective ways to reach target customers.  Don Draper might be offended at the notion, but Fortune describes in a recent article new software that can optimize email language to targeted groups. 

The company, Persado, uses machine learning and a database with millions of data points on campaign metrics.  Its intelligence can deliver emotional keywords as well as make suggestions on cultural sensitivities.  More impressive, when tested head to head against copy from an agency or internal creative team, the software wins.

They boast an impressive resume, with $15 million in backing from Bain Capital and clients such as Citi, American Express, eBay, Microsoft and Neiman Marcus.  Caesars Entertainment used the software to increase open rates by 24%nand has since used Persado for close to 50 tests.  They also claim the software is sold at a reasonable cost. 

When looking at startups or smaller firms exploring email marketing, new software, such as Persado, might provide the leg up required for success.  Eat your heart out, Sterling Cooper.

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