Friday, March 04, 2016

Social media and technology as a path to talent acquisition

Working with our project partner, Snap!, has led me to do a bit of research on how talent recruiting and technology converge, particularly when it comes to social media.  

As this article states, "Every month 288 million people use Twitter, 300 million use Instagram and 890 million a day use Facebook.".  With that kind of a user base, there's a clear connection to leverage the user engagement of those platforms to attract new talent to companies, particularly with the millennial generation.

A few other keys that are consistently highlighted:
  1. Evangelize - allow your employees to spread the word on your company, tout its accomplishments and generally express why it's a great place to work
  2. Have a presence, but have a plan - know your target audience and be sure to develop a strategy on how to attract the talent that you want.  
  3. Know your limitations - our partners at Snap! related a story to us about a previous client: their client was a popular brand for party-going college students, but they were seeking employees who were analytical, technologists.  As a result, their on-campus recruiting efforts turned up a flood of applicants who were ready to party, but yielded little on the data analyst front.
How does your organization use technology to attract and retain talent?

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