Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Bots: A solution to the struggle of real life experiences?

On Tuesday, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced his company's plan to incorporate Bots into the messenger app. The app, which touts 900 million users, would feature bots that will chat directly with users. The purpose? Anything, really. For one, Zuckerberg intends for the interactions with these bots to replace real life purchases and interactions. In his F8 speech, Zuckerberg encouraged businesses to create bots to chat with the 900 million users on the messenger app in order to create an ecosystem of chat and experience. The goal is to replace individual business apps and drive all of the customer service and purchasing components to Facebook Messenger. David Marcus, head of messenger, said "It also makes the product a more central part of people's daily lives." Developers will be able to use Facebook's platform to build bots that can give customers multiple-choice options, understand images and process e-commerce purchases. The system will be conversational, offering experiences in addition to commerce. One bot, Poncho the weather cat, that delivers the forecast in a joking manner, complete with purrs and David Bowie references. Live video will also play a component, with customers able to chat directly realtime and face to face. So what does this mean for digital marketers? If this "ecosystem" is created, will the majority of digital marketing budgets be spent on Facebook messenger app?

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