Friday, April 01, 2016

Facebook is still about likes

Instagram revealed that 93 percent of moms access its network at least once per week, with 68 percent doing so daily. What's more, more than half of mothers on Instagram follow businesses.
Facebook is still about likes
Unmetric, per The Social Times, looked at 10 of the top brand Facebook posts (based on the data vendor's proprietary engagement score) from Feb. 25 to March 5. The mission: to see how the social platform's new reaction buttons—such as Love, Haha, Wow, Sad and Angry—are performing for marketers.
Its research entailed posts from Nissan, Mini Babybel, Bertolli, Windex, LG Mobile, Giorgio Armani Beauty, Arby's, Rebel's Market, and US Cellular.
The stats show that 93 percent of all interactions are still Likes, while Love is used 4.6 percent of the time.

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