Friday, April 01, 2016

LinkedIn for docs - revolutionary! Tweeting? Unheard of. Really.

Early in my EMBA career, I noticed one thing my business school friends all had in common:  500+ LinkedIn connections.  I had WAY less until I became acutely aware of my embarrassing predicament and quickly got onto my rolodex to amass 500+ contacts.  Hew, that was close.  Once in a while I would check out my surgical colleagues’ profiles – some didn’t even have one.  If they did, they were pictureless, and their average number of connections were in the 2 digits. 

What is it about doctors and their aversion to LinkedIn, or more broadly, social media?  Many offer up a lack of time as one of the primary reasons why they don’t have a new media or social media presence.  Many don’t see an upside to having that presence.  I was definitely one who felt that way.
This article even dissuades physicians from even going on LinkedIn.  Physicians feel they are selling themselves by being on LinkedIn, but the site doesn’t even generate any new patients.  What we do get are annoying virtual sales calls.  So the author tells you to go build out your presence on Doximity, HealthGrades, Vitals, or even Yelp, but not LinkedIn.

But Kevin feels differently, as these other sites can give misinformation.  Yes, I’ve been a victim of that.  So at least in LinkedIn we get to provide our own accurate CV that’s readily searchable to colleagues and patients alike.

But going further,
this article urges young physicians, students/residents/new attendings, to start tweeting.  8 years into practice I doubt I'm still considered young, but these newbies are already told they are late in the game, so I know I definitely am.  I barely got back on Facebook, and just beefed up my LinkedIn profile, but Twitter?  I thought it was for celebrities tweeting how normal they are and normal people tweeting how celebrated they are.   And with such bad grammar.  I don't know of ANY of my doc friends who tweet.   Maybe I don't have many friends, period.   But I learned now that I can follow professional journals, health policy foundations and/or health care leaders – a Cliff’s Note’s version of medical updates for busy people!!!  I can also use it to network, and voice opinions and be heard without being a world leader in … anything.

Sounds great.  Maybe after EMBA.  Hey, I was being very brave in taking this course.  Technology has never been my forte – so much so that I had to give up Facebook 10 years ago because I couldn’t figure out how to navigate the site.  But oh, I have far less fear of technology now, thanks to CBS.

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