Monday, January 30, 2017

Interesting Tips for Marketers (according to latest Google financial results)

To piggyback on the great speakers we've had from AppNexus and Google last class weekend, I read an interesting article in the Wall Street Journal that broke down what Google's latest financial results and earnings call (22% increase in Q4 revenue) meant for folks in the digital marketing/ad industry.

Not surprising that Google's ad revenue was driven by mobile search, which marketers should continue to keep at the forefront of their strategies (especially as it relates to mobile friend web site presence, which helps boost favorability scores). There has certainly been a shift to mobile among consumers, and I think this is because consumer retail apps/brands have bolstered purchasing security measures, which re making the consumer feel safer when contemplating buying goods from their handheld devices.

However, I was surprised they attribute a big part of their ad success to YouTube. I personally have never clicked on an ad when viewing videos on YouTube, but apparently their original content strength and large ad campaigns (i.e. NBA opening night) has helped fuel millions of impressions/click-thru opportunities on the platform. Like everyone else, I am a big fan of funny viral videos, but it will be interesting to see if less tech-forward companies begin to enhance their "youtube marketing budgets" in order to try and fuel revenues.

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