Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Social Is Top Tool for Digital Marketing in India

I came across this article recently about social media trends in India. Social media is increasingly becoming a key focus area for marketers in India. A recent survey of marketing activities in India by Octane Research found that 66% of respondents highlighted social media as a leading digital marketing activity. This far exceeded email marketing and search marketing, the next two highest categories, at 56% and 54%, respectively.

It seems that social is becoming an increasingly effective tool in India to engage customers. This same survey found that 40% of respondents also believed that social media is the most effective tool to engage consumers. One reason believed for the widespread success and popularity of social media marketing in India is success and penetration of Facebook in the country. Facebook is the primary platform for social media marketing in India as well.

Reading the article, I began considering the depth of the penetration of smartphones and the growth of smartphones in emerging markets. It is incredible the level of internet penetration in emerging markets reached through smartphones. Similarly, Facebook and other social media apps have increasingly become more popular. It makes sense that in many emerging markets the likelihood is that marketers will avoid traditional means of advertising and go straight to digital – social media in particular – to reach consumers.


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