Saturday, January 21, 2017

Why the Hemingway App revolutionized my approach to blogging... and is now available for desktop

As someone who regularly writes and approves other's written and visual content for a corporate website and blog, I was over-the-moon when I discovered the Hemmingway App a year ago. It completely changed my approach to writing for the web. This incredible app is an incredibly useful tool that helps make your writing bolder, clearer, and much easier to read for the web.  

And now, according to Lifehacker, the app is now available on desktop for $19.95. The web version remains free if you don't want to pay.

How does it work? The web version is simple. Just paste your content onto the page and it will point out which sentences are hard to read, which words could be simplified/removed, and which phrases could be written more clearly. 

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