Friday, February 24, 2017

Digital Creative Institute Bridges the Talent Gap

Interesting story about an institute now specifically designed to help people develop digital marketing skills over for a short period of time and potentially lower than more formal graduate education. The article argues that many students leave schools still without the proper skills to be effective on roles that require a specific digital skillset and knowledge base. There metrics, programs, and tactics that have been developed and continue to be developed that are not always taught in a traditional school education that are needed to be successful as a marketer these days.

Reminds of many of the IT and computer institutes that have sprung up, especially on the West Coast, to teach people how to program and build websites. These are targeted at entrepreneurs and I would imagine these digital marketing institutes would attractive similar people - those with formal education but looking to expand their skill set to build their business.

In theory, these make a lot of sense. Traditional undergraduate and graduate educations can fall behind the curve on new trends and strategies, especially in the social age, and so a bootcamp of sorts can be a good way of learning and learning quickly. My only question is what their actual effectiveness really is. I think sometimes these programs provide a good base but skills are not really developed unless put into practice over time (in which I think it would be hard to measure their effectiveness). Curious to see how these develop - whether they grow and are effective learning institutes or other programs that cost money with minimal gain.

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