Friday, March 10, 2017

8 Reasons Facebook Will Beat All Other Digital Marketing Channels This Year

This article talks about the power of Facebook and why it is and should continue to be the primary social media advertising tool. It focused on both the widespread use and growth of Facebook and the new tools available on Facebook that make it easier and more effective to advertise via digital/social media. Facebook is now a great tool for video and video has become a more widespread and popular medium to share content. Additionally, Facebook live provides a new way to reach audiences. 

Other interesting tools on Facebook include Brand Awareness ad objective uses a combination of real-time proxy metrics with both the reach and attention users give to a campaign to provide brands with maximum exposure. There are plenty others and other ways Facebook integrates with other medium. 

Given its widespread penetration and usage, Facebook is certainly here to stay and will continue to be a critical component of any digital campaign. However, listening to many users complain about the content now being provided on Facebook and how it is not always what users want, makes me wonder if it will begin to lose its appeal and whether something else replaces. Instagram, albeit now owned by Facebook, seems to be more popular or growing in popularity faster. I would expect similar types of program to eventually take over some share from Facebook as Facebook begins to look and act more commercial. 

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