Friday, March 10, 2017

Denny's Twitter and Social Engagement

Denny's has been very clever with their twitter engagement, and just recently (March 1 to be exact) made good use of a popular "zoom in scavenger hunt" meme...

This has gained significant engagement as seen above: as of 3/9/2017 (8 days), there have been 119,702 retweets and 167,748 likes.

Denny's has actually been very clever with their twitter focus, by scouring the internet and staying culturally relevant and up to date with digital conversation, by making use of popular memes and jokes.  Here's the most successful tweet for engagement prior to the one in the last week:

Another good use of relevant material at the time.  The CMO sums it up well: “If you look at the content across all of our social media platforms, you’ll see that the strategy is to serve as an online extension of what you would expect to experience in our restaurants: a welcoming, comfortable place where family, friends and complete strangers can all come together and have fun conversations.  Our social media channels really are an online extension of the Denny’s booth.”

The end result as of 3/9/2017?

This is a pretty good lesson for all digital marketers about staying relevant with their target audience.

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