Thursday, March 09, 2017

SEO Tips for Social Media Platforms

Found this article talking about tips for how to optimize your business page on Facebook, Pinterest, Etsy, Yelp, and Google My Business.

1) Facebook:

Page likes don't affect Google search rankings? But it definitely builds trust.

2) Pinterest:

3) Etsy:

Honestly, I don't know this social media platform at all...gonna do some research about it.

4) Yelp: 

Reviews, reviews, reviews. The most important thing to say three times...

5) Google My Business

Do remember to claim your business!

I wonder why the author,  Sophia Bernazzani, doesn't mention Twitter. Anyway, I did some research and here are a few tips:

6) Twitter:
a. Hashtags play the role of keywords for Twitter, so remember to turn your essential keywords into hashtags. It’s optimal to use up to 3 hashtags for a single tweet.

b. Optimize your Twitter profile:
c. Ensure Verification badge:

d. Twitter’s bio is indexed regularly so have a perfect introduction about yourself.

Neil Patel mentioned some key ingredients of a perfect Twitter bio in a post on the Buffer blog. They are:  

Accurate – your bio should include your short professional description.
Exciting – write something creative. Try using wording that is not boring.
Targeted – incorporate information about your niche.
Flattering- include one accomplishment.
Humanizing- throw in your hobby.
Intriguing- add one interesting fact or feature about yourself.
Connected to your business’s website or another social profile.

7) The last takeaway--Don't forget Bing!

Bing said:

"We do look at the social authority of a user. We look at how many people you follow, how many follow you, and this can add a little weight to a listing in regular search results."

Include Bing in your SEO strategies!

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