Tuesday, April 18, 2017

6 ways that IBM Watson is changing digital marketing

6 ways that IBM Watson is changing digital marketing

I thought this was another interesting article about another tool available for digital marketers. I first came across IBM Watson at Credit Suisse. I saw demonstrations of how it was being used for technology and healthcare applications. We tried to work with them to see how we could use Watson for data mining and investment research. It was a powerful and this article nicely highlights its application for digital marketing.

There two interesting takeaways and potential uses. Firstly, Watson is all about data – using it, organizing it, and gleaning insights from it. There are many competitors in this space but Watson has unique technology that, in particular, is focused on insights and understanding data over just acquiring data. This is a special differentiator relative to its competition. Additionally, Watson provides a distinctive new tool to digital marketers. Given Watson’s intelligent technology and ability to understand data and gather insights, it can be used to create “ads that think.” That is, it can be used to help create ads that are more personalized and respond to individual customers, making ads more than just interactive and significantly increases their effectiveness.  

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