Friday, April 21, 2017

Oracle and Moat

Oracle announced this week that it will be acquiring Moat, an ad measurement company. The deal is further evidence that Oracle wants to be in the business of measuring ad effectiveness (a significant threat to Nielsen), which is perhaps unsurprising given recent headlines around ad fraud.

Oracle’s purchase is one of several of the last several years, marking a company shift towards digital advertising and marketing:
  •         AddThis: Tracks the websites that people visit
  •         BlueKai: Used by marketers to hold ad target data
  •         Crosswise: Determines which devices are owned by the same person
  •         Datalogix: Measures whether online ads lead to in-store purchase
  •         Moat (new!): Measures whether digital ads are “viewable” and also whether ads are delivered to humans versus bots

For Oracle, these acquisitions are likely part of a bigger bet they will become the standard for measuring and planning advertising investments.

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