Thursday, April 06, 2017

Using Emotion to Create Facebook Ad

Emotions can go a long way to create a click-worthy ad online. Emotions have always been used to sell goods and service. We see it all the time in the ads shown in the TV or printed in the newspaper/magazines. Emotion help businesses generate sales volume. Given there's so much to see and click in the Internet, the question is how should we compose an ad in the Facebook to make that ad effective so that online viewers click that ad. The idea is to use the same playbook used by the general ad creators, some of whose secrets are listed below:

(1) `Spark the Sense of Belonging
People are hardwired to search for understanding and support from their peers. A sense of belonging to a large community improves our motivation, health and happiness. If we could frame our ad offer as an invitation to an exclusive club of awesome members, people will be interested in joining the community and respond to the ad.

(2) Use Power of Guilt
People feel guilty about different things, and if we hit their right nerve, we will win their attention. Ads highlighting the good and the bad components of dog food (Blue Brand) ( is one such ad - whereby, the users of non-Blue dog food is made to feel guilty by showing that the dog food they are feeding has bad stuff in it. Consumers who feel guilty tend to respond well. Gym memberships soar after a long holiday period around Jan-Feb every year. Your ad should use strong words that spark negative feelings, and then must provide a quick fix to overcome that guilt.

(3) Make People Feel Important
Feeling of being significant is a basic human need. Many wars have been fought and is continued to being fought to this day over this feeling. We all want to feel important and valued by others. To create an ad that makes the viewers feel important, its important to create a personalized ad that talks directly to the reader using words such as “you” to address the reader. By creating a highly personalized value offer, Spotify will ignite curiosity while also making the person feel important in its ad “You know there’s a playlist with your name on it, right?”

(4) Surprise Your Viewers/Readers
Consumers such as I use a lot of emotion to evaluate a brand / product / service. Surprise is a good emotion to catch audience’s attention which can then lead to them exploring your proposal. Usually, it’s a good idea to use good surprises to make people feel special and important. This could take a form of “coupon” or some other pleasant surprise to make the reader click on your ad and go to the next level. Some companies give out Starbucks coupon to fill a survey used to assess target audience’s need via survey.

(5) Create a Sense of Urgency
If I get too much time to decide, then I tend to postpone the conclusion and sometimes I also forget the ad. I have seen ads with limited time offer and have often responded on them due to fear of losing an awesome offer. I am sure I am not the only person who feels this way. For such ads, it’s important to define clear dates and offer a great discount.

(6) Help People Feel Proud
Emotions have a strong effect on our immediate actions. LEGO’s Facebook ad makes mothers feel proud of their kids reminding of their children’s capacity to create amazing things. The ad uses emotion of hope to draw parents to the offer. Many ads (e.g. Dollar Shave Club) use the words “smarter choice” to make the people feel great about their purchase as if they have contributed to a greater cause.

(7) Generate Negative Feelings
By generating a negative feeling and then offering a solution to cheer us up is a good way to market our stuff. Small doses of mild negativity can help strengthen customer’s positive impression of a product or service. The negativity should be followed by some pleasant surprise may actually help company retain customers.

(8) Make People Happy
Emotional articles, especially those that generate strong emotions of happiness and surprise (positive ads), are more often shared than others. Brightly colored ad that includes images with smiling people / pets etc. are used to generate emotions that make us click the ad, share with others, or bookmark in our browser.

(9) Make People Curious
Curiosity is the discrepancy between what we currently know and what we would like to know. For example, in Hubspot, “How well do you rank for SEO”? The technique involves asking people a fascinating question or telling them a cool story and then leaving the best part untold. Another example: SurveryMonkey does it by asking its readers “Want a GoPro?”

(10) Show the Excitement
Excitement makes people become more impulsive and make people act quicker. People think and behave very differently when excited. Selling to such people becomes easier, and most likely these people tend to purchase if given an option.

(11) Offer Hope for Better Future
We see such ads – that uses hope to suggest they are making smarter choice to improve their lives. Such ads usually help people to take an action on the ad. People notice ads with bright colors, lots of exclamation marks and energetic tone of voice.

(12) Master the Art of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)
Many people experience FOMO when they aren’t able to attend an event when their friends are going. People are afraid of being left out without and amazing experience. Sometimes we see ad saying “X number of businesses are using our tool to …” indicating that the reader that there’s a fascinating community they are not part of. Such ads make us feel that we are missing out on something.

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