Friday, June 02, 2017

8 Brow Raisers in Digital This Week- But What do They Mean to Us?

Ad Week listed 8 interesting analytics posted about the digital space this week.  What’s even more interesting, is the underlying trends and insights these analytics are supporting.  Data like this shows the power of digital marketing and how it is changing businesses like content, gaming, etc. in a huge way.  Here are my top takeaways from the articles 8 surprising digital data this week:

Traditional TV and movie ratings are not the only, or best way to measure TV show success these days: Rather than looking at traditional ratings, companies like 4C are collecting and analyzing social engagement as an alternative measure of success. Data likes this provides opportunity to gain deeper insights into consumer behavior and attitude, which has become incredibly valuable. These charts, provided in the article, show examples of valuable insight analytics companies are collecting about their consumers due to social media engagement:

What can we learn about the people talking about Wonder Woman?

What TV shows are the most chatter worthy?

Profitability opportunity lies in pay per click advertising: Companies are making a huge revenue through sponsored ad products on mobile and VR based devices. In this example, TechCrunch reported that Pokemon Go can charge from .15-.50 cents PER CLICK when users visit sponsored locations.

The gaming industry demographic is evolving due to mobile: The gaming industry has traditionally skewed toward the male, younger demographic, but new studies are showing an increase in female and older consumers in the industry, with one contingency: MOBILE.  Mobile has truly become a “game changer” (pun-intended J) for the gaming-industry.  

The extent of change in the media consumption industry due to mobile is extreme and not slowing down: MOBILE is not only changing the gaming industry.  Studies show that media consumption has increased to 26% this year, from 19% last year.  Mobile trends are not slowing down and we should continue to see increases in coming years. Television and radio, however, will need to continue to adapt to stay on trend, as consumption in these industries decreases. Services like “HBO GO” and “iHeartRadio” are clear attempts for traditional media to compete in the new mobile arena. 

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