Thursday, June 08, 2017

Is Personalization More Challenging in Asia-Pacific than in the US?

The article discussed how difference in culture can cause challenges when the marketers create personalized customer experience for consumers. The article points out that it is important to look at consumer behaviors based on the region you are targeting. Asian consumers prefer mobile apps to connect/browse products and the mobile apps will need to be flexible to function across various types of phones (iPhones, Android, and others). The way that e-commerce are structured can also vary from country to country.

It is important to create a seamless experience for the customers in the physical store as well as on mobile app/online. Despite the globalization of products, I believe it is important for marketers to be aware of local cultures and realize that successful campaign in one country or area may not achieve the success in other country. Also, marketers in Asia need to utilize the mobile app to track the customers' behaviors in order to determine where they are in the purchase funnel.  Consumer's preferences in interaction with online and offline services can help marketers target and define where the marketers are able to gain more data about consumer behavior and preferences of the particular country. The marketers will need to utilize more than one platform in order to understand more about the consumers.

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