Friday, June 09, 2017

"Not Hotdog...:"

So, I should preface this post by saying it would be advantageous for you to watch Silicon Valley, Season 4 Episode 4 before proceeding.  If you don’t feel like watching the whole episode, do yourself a favor and watch this 60 second scene (pardon the swearing), things will make much more sense this way: 

Now, picture that this app is real, and can be downloaded and used at your leisure right at this very second! Well, your hopes and dreams are coming true, because it is real.  HBO has actually gone ahead and developed a “Not Hotdog” app that is currently available for download on the iTunes Store.  Not only, but it has already gained a solid 425 ratings and 4.5 out of 5 stars. And speaking of ratings, check them out because they’re incredibly useful and informative:

“So as a fiesty young stud in the dating scene, I found this app very helpful. First let me explain. After ending a 4.5 month relationship over arguing and not agreeing on many issues, I have been looking for ways to back up all decisions with facts. While attending a game at Kauffman Stadium with a new friend I met in one of those weird Facebook groups, I was tasked with the duty of going to get a hot dog. This girl is a solid 9.5 on the hot crazy/matrix. . I did not want to mess this up over a misunderstand about concession servings. I visited THREE vendors before finding the PERFECT hotdog. After multiple scans, the app verified my purchase of a REAL hotdog. And obviously, this made my hot date in the stands ecstatic. Not a single peep about the food not being a hotdog. I knew I had sealed the deal. Then... when I went to take a selfie of us to brag to my friends... the app immediately determined my date as... you guessed it... HOTDOG. I left and never talked to her again.

In all seriousness, though, what HBO has done here is incredible utilization of out-of-the-box viral content development to market their programming.  This is a great example of how companies can utilize new digital technologies to market in ways they never have before.  Once you download the app and take your first picture, you have two options “SHARE” in huge letters, or “no thanks.”  The interactive app is a living breathing advertisement for itself, spreading brand awareness to non-show viewers, satisfying their current fan base, making their content viral, and who knows, maybe even making some extra bills from the app downloads.

They’ve even partnered with Bloomgberg Technology, who sent out what appeared to be real news Tweets about the launch of Not Hot Dog, featuring the show’s app developer:

If this isn’t going to get people talking and searching, I don’t know what is.  Of course I was inclined to download the app and take it for a spin. Needs a little work, but hey nobody’s perfect:

What do you all think- genius marketing, or over the top?

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