Wednesday, June 07, 2017

World Travelers Are More Likely to be Swiped Right

Delta may have a hit of a campaign on its hands with its newest release, in partnership with Tinder. Yes, you read correctly – Tinder. This campaign – targeted at millennials – crosses multiple advertising channels – namely outdoor and social – and will intrinsically create user based content with the added potential of building up goodwill and popularity among a new generation of travelers. And what airline wouldn’t want (or need) that?

Delta has commissioned two outdoor walls in Williamsburg to be painted with images of sexy destinations: Hawaii, Paris, LA, Italy, and London, to name a few, with cheeky captions and doodles around the images. Passerbys in the area (a young, urban, sophisticated demographic) are welcome to take selfies/photographs in front of the images, as if they were in those foreign cities, and can upload these photos to their personal social media channels. Delta has strategically used outdoor advertising – in a trendy Brooklyn neighborhood no less – and has created an opportunity to get people talking about their product in social media channels. The content of the outdoor advertising also creates additional user based content, and, when using the #DeltaDatingWall hashtag, it’s easy for Delta to comment on/share the pieces of the content generated that they would like to endorse.

This campaign acts on the strong desire to travel seen across the millennial generation, coupled with millennials’ selfie-taking behavior. Millennials like to share moments – typically via social media – and this campaign uses outdoor advertising to get millennials engaged, while simultaneously reminding people where Delta flies. The cheeky mantra (“World travelers are more likely to be swiped right”) and the artsy flair of the campaign make it memorable, light, frivolous and fun – something trips aspire to be although the flying experience usually is not. Having people speak positively about your brand can only elevate your brand and increase the goodwill felt towards the Delta.

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