Saturday, June 24, 2017

Yoplait Turns to Mom "Empowerment" for New Ad Campaign

Yoplait, a division of General Mills, launched their newest ad campaign this week' "Mom On", whose focus was combating mom-shaming on social media.  The campaign which features television ads portraying mothers in various situations - breast feeding in public, older mothers, working mothers, full-time mothers and non-breast feeding mothers - seeks to start conversations about the frequent mom-shaming that is endlessly discussed on various blogs and social media sites.  Their tagline for the campaign and the 40 Mom Night Out events held across the nation in June is "Let's come together and celebrate the unique ways we all choose to #MomOn".  Their main ad chooses to focus on all the ways that moms are judged for their parenting choices by other moms.  While checking out their campaign on their website I have to say that their message really fell flat with me.  They seek to empower women to feel secure with their parenting choices - breast feeding vs not breast feeding, working mothers vs full time mothers - which I think resonates with a large section of women.  But at the end of the ad they encourage mothers to give their children a high sugar snack (Yoplait regular strawberry yogurt has 18g of sugar) whenever the child asks for it.  Upon looking at Yoplait's facebook page, it seems that more than half of the commentary for their new posts do not feel the same way as me, so maybe I'm missing something here. They did enlist the hugely popular I Mom So Hard duo to film some videos for their online content, who I find extremely funny, but I found their videos to fall flat and look painfully scripted. I don't think this ad campaign will help Yoplait to move up from their #3 sales spot behind Chobani and Dannon.

Yopliat nutritional info

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