Sunday, July 16, 2017

Facebook plans global expansion for Messenger ads

Facebook recently tested messenger display ads in Thailand and Australia, and it has recently announced it will expand the trial worldwide.

Advertisers can now reach an audience of over 1 billion, highly engaged users. Here’s how it works; the ads would trigger the chatbot conversations, where branded chatbots can post about daily coupons or promotions, that leads to a user directly communicating with the brand. This is an extension of the “Discover” tab, which allows users to connect with brands.

This new function is a clear indication that Facebook has reached ad saturation. Facebook is quickly running out of ad space on the newsfeed, and the increase in newsfeed ads is affecting the Facebook user experience. They’ve basically found more suitable ad real estate. This is just another trend in the proliferation of social media ads, after we’ve already been introduced to Facebook Marketplace ads, Instagram Story ads, and video ads. 

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