Saturday, July 29, 2017

Home Automation

Home Automation has become the largest trend amongst the top tech companies in the world. Starting with Amazon's Amazon Echo which revolutionized the way we control our homes. In this first quarter of the year 2017 Amazon’s Alexa has dominated over every other company including google home, Microsoft, and Apple Home kit. Every single technology company such as SONY, Samsung, Logitech, and etc have announced device compatible with Alexa and it has been revolutionary. It is believed that by the year 2020 the Amazon Echo will generated an extra 11 billion dollars in sales revenue to Amazon in total. Amazon has been investing much more than any other technology home automated services out there for example, in this case of the Ecobee internet connected Thermostat. Amazon invested 35 million dollars into just this one product, but due to this investment Amazon as raised the venture capital of Ecobee to 60 million dollars as the battle of home automation continues in the advertising space. 

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