Tuesday, August 15, 2017

How to survive as an Electronics Retailer in the Age of Amazon

With so much growth happening for digital and technology companies, I thought it’d be interesting to take a look at how the traditional retail space is doing.  We’ve seen some companies, like RadioShack and Circuit City sink as they failed to keep up with the rapidly changing tech environment. Others, like Best Buy, have been able to keep their heads above water.

As a traditional retailer, how do you continue to be successful? Is this truly a dying industry or do companies just need to change their strategies?

Continuing to use Best Buy as an example, they have able to continue being profitable by pivoting their value proposition.  What was once a product company is now positioning itself as a service company. They are currently planning to rull out a service that brings employees to their homes to ensure consumers are utilizing all of the benefits and upgrades of the products they purchase. While this has allowed them to maintain market share in the electronics and technology space, time will tell if this will work long-term.  Amazon and other companies are taking notes and are releasing their own service-style programs to keep up with the competition. 

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