Friday, January 19, 2018

Adidas Sneakers Double as a One-Year Pass to Berlin's Mass Transit

This article highlights the mutual benefits that can occur by offering a unique/interesting/remarkable trait in a more traditional product to create buzz. In an effort to incentivize a younger demographic to ride the subway, Berlin's public transportation authority partnered with Adidas to create a cool shoe that can double as a year long pass for the subway system. The implications for digital as it relates to both firms are relevant. For the public transportation authority, they have modernized a relatively arcane self-image and can use this as an opportunity to gain more attention online via search. For Adidas, they have connected a social good (improving environment via increased mass transit usage) to their usual fashion-oriented strategy.  The buzz will increase searches for things like "shoes that double as subway tickets" that they can take advantage of, which will improve their ability to target the right market and maybe even identify a new customer base.

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