Friday, January 19, 2018

Digital Marketing in Medicine

While digital marketing has been prevalent in consumer goods and tech for years, it's only recently catching up in the medical industry.  However, it is now playing a huge role in how patients, pharmaceutical companies and even physicians access each other and information.

Patients have more access to information regarding their illnesses, potential treatment options and physician information.  They, to some degree, are more informed users prior to stepping foot into the doctors office.  However, information can be a double-edged sword, especially in a complex field like medicine.  A little information can be dangerous whereas a lot of information can be helpful.

Physicians as well are able to utilize digital marketing to help increase their patient volume with websites such as ZocDoc.  More and more physicians are also creating websites and some even utilize social media (blogs or facebook pages or instagram feeds) to advertise their skills and practice and capture patients that way.

With the improvements also being made in tele-health, digital marketing will become even more prevalent.

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