Friday, February 23, 2018

Blog #5_Snap Royalty Kylie Jenner Helped Erase $1.3 Billion in One Tweet

Social influencers have been an integral part of branding and marketing in modern history. Celebrities are often used in this role and traditionally leading companies had utilized the celebrity as a spokesperson to tie celebrity popularity with a certain product or the overall brand. 
The internet and digital consumption have moved to the forefront of commerce, forever changing consumer behavior and the way consumers view and purchase products. Successful advertising campaigns began to phase out the traditional spokesperson and began to leverage multiple social influencers that reach different demographics. The power of these influencers has been increasingly evident as social media platforms have become part of our daily lives.
One of these social influencers, Kylie Jenner, recently demonstrated the power of social media and how firms need to be constantly adapting to understand social media trends. Jenner made a comment that she doesn’t use Snapchat anymore, leading to a significant spike in negative trends about the app’s redesign. Although Jenner didn’t make an overt negative comment, she was able to create enough focus on an existing product flaw that contributed to significant financial repercussions. 
Some of the top TV programs of 2017 averaged around 20mm viewers per episode, Jenner has 24mm followers on social media. To reiterate, although she has no direct connection to Snapchat, she was able to communicate with the same sized audience as a leading national TV program, for free. This should be a warning for all companies / products.

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