Thursday, February 22, 2018

What Netflix Can Teach Us About Digital Marketing

Netflix’s ability to inspire binge-watching among their audiences with their award-winning shows is remarkable, but it is their digital marketing prowess that is their true “special sauce.” Their successful approach to digital marketing has created a significant impact on how consumers want to receive content from brands — and others are taking note.

Perhaps the most influential aspect of Netflix’s digital marketing strategy is their ability to customize content based on user preferences. This approach enables customers to have a seamless experience that is tailored to their unique interests. Smaller companies that do not have the bandwidth to employ hundreds of engineers to formulate these complex algorithms are turning to handy platforms that allow them to “fake” personalization. “Tools like Optimizely and Adobe Experience Cloud let you personalize content based on a variety of data points like the country associated with an IP address, or whether or not a visitor is already a lead in a CRM,” says journalist John Boitnott. “Based on this information, marketers can choose to display different website experiences in order to better serve the interests of a particular visitor.”

Netflix is also changing the way brands disseminate information and promote new products. For example, when it released the hit show Stranger Things, it teamed up with Snapchat to release an augmented reality experience. Again, Netflix understood the unique nature of their target audience and recognized that this was a platform where they could be reached. Through these approaches, Netflix is showing other brands that the best way to acquire and retain new customers is through a compelling digital marketing strategy that is personalized, creative, and memorable.

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