Sunday, March 04, 2018

Blog #6: Follow the arches - McDonald's directional arches

McDonald's is one of the best known brands in the world. They are known for the consistency in their food and service across various franchises. However, when it came to their highway billboard signs there was very little consistency. A recent article featured in AdAge, described a new campaign by McDonald's called follow the arches. The foundation of the campaign is to use the use different parts of the McDonald "golden arches" to direct drivers to the next McDonald's location.

This campaign uses three main factors to engage customers:

  • Simplicity
  • Usefulness
  • Consistency
The idea of reusing the golden arches as a navigator, reinforces the brand and allows customers to build new associations. It gives customers useful information such as where to go and gives McDonald's more traffic to its locations. I believe new marketing strategies like this that use a company's logo in new ways will be the way of the future. The line between real life and marketing is beginning to be blurred and brands will continue to embed themselves in our daily lives. 


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