Friday, March 09, 2018

Focus on the invisible ROI!

Focus on the invisible ROI!

In the world of big data, there is no lack of metrics that a marketer can get for any digital media ad or campaign. However, finding the right metric to measure the success of your campaign remains elusive to many. This article talks about six digital marketing trend that are crucial for any brand awareness. Couple of these metrics that really stood out for me were –

1.      Attention span

2.      Brand awareness as the invisible ROI

Everyone is inundated with messaging and online ads and its almost impossible to grab the attention of your target audience in any of the omnipresent digital platforms out there. Key to winning the digital marketing race is to capture people’s attention and hence their wallet.

Brand awareness metric should lead to higher conversion rate i.e. more success for your campaigns or launch. Brand awareness should focus on developing trust with your target audience and eventually lead to seeing your brand as the trusted expert in the field.

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