Monday, March 05, 2018


Blog Post 6

In an ever changing world where brands are in search for awareness and new distribution channels such as social media are taking over, influencers have become major players captivating audiences via real life situations and making extraordinary product placements that have consolidated brands via successful communication. Influencers have a well defined lifestyle and content that captures a defined audience that may be a target for a company. Via a regular picture, the influencer positions a product in front of an audience and creates awareness for  a specific brand.

Companies such as Instagram have become pioneers and market dominants in the digital marketing industry and have developed tools such as filters, boomerang and superzoom that allow influencers to better position a brand or a situation through the lens of a smartphone camera. According to Josh Constine (@joshconstine), Instagram is preparing to launch a Portrait feature that will allow people to take stylish portraits from their smartphones. For those users that have not upgraded to newer versions of phones where the portrait feature is include in the camera, this upgrade into Instagram allows plenty of ways to make an image stylish, especially considering the increasingly higher numbers of people uploading pictures and stories into their feeds.

In addition, if the application allows users to take better pictures and edit these from their phone, it will allow better usage of color for brands to take advantage of strategic influencers and take advantage of their position to enhance a product placement. I personally believe that these new channels will eventually take over more traditional ones, especially in the millennials space, and for certain products that are more appealing for this specific group of people. Companies will potentially save large amounts of money destined to traditional audiovisual campaigns aired on TV, radio and printed magazines, and will shift to digital marketing via new channels such as Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and Snapchat. However, while these applications tend to try to survive in a hostile environment, companies have already begun developing the “next big thing” via audio; Alexa. The question is; will audio be able to take market share out of a fascinating print, picture or experience?


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