Friday, March 09, 2018

Retailers with Mobile Apps & Mobile Sites For the Win

According to a recent commerce report, mobile sales have generated the majority of total e-commerce traffic for retailers with effective mobile apps in addition to their mobile site.

“As you might expect, conversion rates on mobile apps are higher, roughly 3x greater than on the mobile web,” says Greg Sterling of Marketing Land, “this may be because the user experience is better in apps, including the checkout process. But it may also partly be because those who download and use retail apps are more loyal and inclined to buy from those retailers in the first place.”

These findings will continue to push retailers to invest in mobile app technologies as a key aspect of their digital strategies. Their ongoing challenge is twofold: (1) develop a well-designed, responsive app that truly improves the shopping experience; (2) create and effectively communicate compelling reasons for customers to take the time (and dedicate the space) to download the app in the first place. Some retailers such as Target, for example, offer special promotions and discounts only through the app, while Wal-Mart gave app users a first glimpse at Black Friday deals. Retailers will need to continue to innovate and deliver positive app experiences for customers to stay ahead — as we have seen, the payoff can be substantial.

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