Saturday, March 17, 2018

Welcome to 2018, @Snapchat

Welcome to 2018, @Snapchat

Snapchat has finally given users, including brands and influencers, the ability to @-tag another user in a Story. This feature will make it easier for users to find and mention friends, and likewise, it will be helpful for brands — as any mention from an influencer will let his or her followers seamlessly find and follow the brand that influencer is promoting. Thus, companies and influencers everywhere are hopeful that the new @ feature will be an effective tool in driving follower totals and exposing them to new audiences.

“Tagging could help Snapchat better intertwine Stories and messaging, which now live in the same tab after the big redesign. Story tags could spark conversations that lead to the back-and-forth visual communication that Snapchat pioneered,” says Josh Constine of TechCrunch. “With Instagram having cloned and refined Stories, Snapchat needs to promote its best-in-class ephemeral messaging feature to stay differentiated.”

While Snapchat says that they’re just testing this feature and have not released any additional details, brands and influencers certainly hope it is here to stay. If the @ mention is indeed effective in driving follower growth, we may see brands invest more in their Snapchat presence in the future.

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