Monday, April 16, 2018

What's the allergy forecast? Ask Zyrtec!

As voice becomes a bigger part of daily life, it's interesting to see how advertising is transforming in the world of conversational commerce. Zyrtec has launched a campaign for the second year in a row, allowing consumers to "Ask Zyrtec" for stats about the local pollen forecast.

It's interesting to see that Zyrtec is taking a "native" approach to their voice-based advertising, encouraging consumers to use their tool to find out about the pollen forecasts. In addition, they are using 3rd party data sources to maximize the applicability of the content for the consumer. They know where the consumer is located and they are utilizing 3rd party data sources about what pollens are at the highest levels on that day.

What's most interesting is that they don't detail how they are explicitly converting customers to purchase Zyrtec after they receive the pollen forecast. Perhaps this is a specific approach they are using so that consumers don't feel like they are really being advertised to. Either way, it will be interesting to see how successful the campaign is, and how other advertisers will put their own spin on advertising on voice.

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