Friday, April 06, 2018

Will B2B marketing embrace Mobile Video?

Will B2B marketing embrace Mobile Video?

B2B marketers have stayed away from conventional B2C marketers tools of consumer engagement. However, with the fast changing customer behavior, mobile videos present a significant opportunity for B2B companies to engage a wider customer demographics.

This article shares an interesting view on how B2B marketers can engage their target customers. The article talks 4 easy and relatively low cost ways to attract younger demographics. New mobile technology allows for 10 sec or shorter clips as teasers to start putting the B2B brand out there.

Younger consumers are looking for interaction. How B2B marketers use mobile video platform to both create brand awareness and customer loyalty will be key.

The article also suggests that the opportunity is knocking right now and B2B marketers should act. How companies leverage the mobile technology to both captivate and engage consumer will decide the new winners.

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