Wednesday, May 16, 2018

A shift to video ads in the social media platform and some tips to make a nice ads.

Nowadays, people spend their time on the social network more than before. From past two years, the daily time spent on social networking increased from 109 minutes in 2015 to 135 minutes in 2017. It also seems to be that the growth of spending in digital ads has continually risen to follow this change in user behavior. Within the U.S., the spending share of the advertisement in digital ads has overcome the traditional ads in 2016 and kept rising. Especially in social media video ads, about the half of buyers will spend on this kind of advertising in the next 12 months. (April 2018)

Apart from the increase in daily time spent in a social platform, the reason to support the shift from traditional ads to digital ads in social media like Facebook is about the more efficient in reaching the target audience. It can optimize the brand spending and also relate to the possibility to gain more conversion rate as it can attach the link to the product providing the convenience to the audience in the immediate online purchase.

Focusing on Video ads especially on Facebook, to success on that, the content is one of the critical parts that can attract the audience not to skip watching the commercials. Moreover, mobile usage seems to be the highest one from other devices. The vertical video like Instagram Story becomes more popular that can attract the social media users from the mobile view as the users often use their phones upright and the vertical video can provide full-screen resolution in this view. But the brands have to include in the minor detail. For example, to avoid the skip from a not understanding story without a voice, the subtitle is necessary as many of audiences cannot play the video with the sound when they are outside, but they still can understand the story from reading the subtitle. Therefore, the brands need to consider in every perspective to produce the best video ads that can be productive in both spending and conversion rate.


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