Friday, May 25, 2018

“How GDPR Will Transform Digital Marketing” KF Blog #2

“How GDPR Will Transform Digital Marketing”  

The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR, made a new set of regulations in order to protect consumers’ privacy and give consumers control over how their data is collected and used. These regulations go into effect on 5/25. Now, marketers need to secure permission for data-use activities. But how this “permission” comes about is still in question. Perhaps the normal consent consumers give to social platforms such as Facebook will not constitute as “active consent” (as stated in the new GDPR rules) which the article goes on to explain.  Another part of the regulation is giving the consumers the choice to review and erase data that corporation currently have.

Digital media targeting has been pivotal in new marketing efforts, and now the use of data for this targeting is going to be harder to get in the EU. We’ll have to track how companies will respond to these new regulations and if they will either find other ways of gaining consumer data or use other methods for targeting.  

This new era of transparency for consumers and corporations is in theory very liberating, but advertisers in the EU will have a hard time adjusting to this new environment, especially since this data collection was seemingly unregulated until now. I can’t help but wonder if other countries will adopt such regulation. Just more twists and turns in the digital marketing world…

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