Sunday, May 20, 2018

Micro-influencer with more powerful in brand engagement

It seems like micro-influencers become more powerful for the brand in the way to connect to consumers compare to how the brands promote the products by brand ambassadors. It was surprising that the more followers of influencers, the less average engagement rate. Many brands already take actions of using micro influencers for their marketing campaign as they can generate the satisfying result with cost-effective.

But why the micro-influencer?

The micro-influencers are the people who have around 1,000-100,000 followers united from the common interest with those micro-influencers. The followers tend to trust in the posts or reviews from this group of influencers as the closer gap interaction. Moreover, it makes the followers feel the same way as friends or families’ recommendation. Compare to the brand ambassador or the superstar; consumers think that it is what the brand already prepare for this group to represent the brand image. It is one of the reasons why the engagement from the smaller group can result better.

This way of marketing can help the brands in reaching more consumers, but the brands need to consider many factors to control the quality of the result and the brand image. For example,

  • Choose the right person to work with the product. 
    • There are many different styles of micro-influencers within the category. The brand needs to match the one which is proper to the brand position to support the brand image and creditability.
  • Do not push the way how influencers promote the product. 
    • Each influencer has his/her uniqueness. The brands can suggest the rough scope that the brands want the post to be but allow the influence to create their style to keep their profile proposition as well.


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