Monday, June 11, 2018

Apple says it is ‘shutting down’ tracking from Like & Share buttons

Taking aim at Facebook & others Apple shores up its pro-privacy, anti-tracking positioning by announcing during WWDC keynote that users of its latest Safari 12 browser will get a notification to choose whether to share their data with third-party widgets like Facebook Like buttons, Disqus comments widgets and other plug-ins on a page.

Additionally, Apple is making fingerprinting — the ability for trackers to identify specific devices — much harder. In essence, “Your Mac will look like everyone else’s Mac,” said Apple. “It will be dramatically more difficult for data companies to uniquely identify your device and track you.”

The move is further entrenching the company in its strategic positioning as privacy protector against the ad tech ecosystem. Apple CEO Tim Cook has been an outspoken critic of Facebook’s approach to data privacy and its role in the Cambridge Analytica scandal, and with the EU’s latest General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), now in effect, Apple is seeking to give its users control over their data rather than internet ad businesses who use widgets and other third-party APIs for data collection, tracking and ad targeting.

It remains to be seen whether the new measures will have any material impact on company sales, but nevertheless, it is encouraging to see a leading tech company side with the consumers on an issue that has the potential to be the defining topic of debate this decade.


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