Friday, June 22, 2018

Europe's New Data Rules Are Destroying Email Marketing

An article published in the Fortune magazine claimed that EU's new data rules are severely hurting email marketing. Some of the salient points are below:
  • European data rules are dramatically undermining email marketing campaigns — especially in the U.S.
  • European Union’s new GDPR regulations are leading to huge attrition in existing email lists
  • Many companies with email lists are asking recipients to opt back in as they update their privacy policies. But, according to CNBC, a digital marketing agency, found that 38% of Americans are ignoring those emails outright, and 23% are using them as a chance to unsubscribe from email lists
  • GPDR establishes higher standards for what is considered “consent” to receive marketing emails, especially for recipients who aren’t already customers, and it applies to interactions with EU residents and citizens. But rather than try to micro-target those audiences and risk potentially huge fines, many digital operations — including giants like Facebook — are simply implementing the same policies worldwide. That’s why even many Americans are receiving requests that they re-enroll in many email lists.
  • The effects can be truly devastating for companies — one marketing firm told CNBC that its clients have lost up to 80% of contacts.

Article link here: 

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