Friday, June 15, 2018

Inside Google Marketing: Banner Ads Can Be Creative and Effective

Inside Google Marketing: Banner Ads Can Be Creative and Effective

Banner ads have been around since 1994 but recently marketers have shifted to fancier native and in app ads. At Google Media Labs cross screen banner ads have proven to provide lift. The best banner ads are eye catching, timely and personalized. Additionally the success for any banner ad comes down to creative quality.

Below are three principles for creating effective banner ads:

1.    Be Compelling: The banner ads need to eye catching to attract consumer attention. Things like animation and face colors can be effective.
2.    Be concise: The short duration of consumer attention demands the right content at the right time.
3.    Be clear: Banner ads tend to have limited space therefore short and simple messaging is the key to success

Compelling, concise and clear: principle always works!

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