Clorox Is Leaning Into Influencer Marketing and In-House Creative to Better Connect With Consumers
Consumers are becoming weary of marketing tactics that companies are setting forth, but trusting people and seeking word of mouth opinion is still very much an important part of the consumer’s purchase decision. This is why Clorox has decided to put a focus on influencer marketing for 2H 2018. Trust is the main issue when it comes to gaining consumers attention, and perhaps this validation people are looking for could come from their favorite Youtube star or celebrity. In fact, they allocate 50% of their influencer budget toward big name celebrities who are known for something outside of social media like Stephan Curry, and the other 50% goes to social influencers, such as Hannah Hart.
Their strategy right now is to hire Youtube stars (or celebs) as influencers and film entertaining videos of them using their products, showcasing the utilization of the product itself in a funny way. See Glad example here. They then post the video to Youtube and wait to see how the video performs. One of the best parts of using influencers is that there is a built-in audience, a recognizable face, and most importantly, someone these followers trust. This is all great content marketing, Clorox tracks the videos and if there is a lot of traction and engagement, they then put ad dollars behind the video so it can surface in other media channels. This is an excellent way to see if paid media will succeed, or just a way of judging whether it's worth putting dollars behind. Clorox also created an in-house creative agency 3 years ago, which allows them to make these videos for less and with a quicker turn-around.
Staying relevant is a tricky task, and content marketing is a great way to combat staying stagnant. Clorox may not have the sexiest line of products, but through influencer marketing, they can build buzz and expand their reach in a fun new way.
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