Sunday, July 08, 2018

Encyclopedia Britannica wants to fix false Google results

Encyclopedia Britannica might have just found another way to stay relevant in the digital age where Wikipedia, random blogs and self-proclaimed experts feed us inaccurate information.

Its new Chrome extension, Britannica Insights, aims to supplement Google's so-called snippets – automatic answers to user queries that show up on the side of search results - with accurate information from its 250-year-old business.

Since January 2014, when Google started showing answers to user queries directly in so-called snippets, a time-saver for most basic inquiries, has morphed into a repeated source of misleading and outright false information, thanks to Google's frequent reliance on untrusted sources. The product has, among other things, declared that Barack Obama is the "king" of the United States and reported that dinosaurs are being used to trick people into thinking the world is millions of years old. It's those failures that Britannica wants to help mitigate with.

Snippets aren't all bad. When you ask Google why the sky is blue, it offers a reasonable explanation: "Blue light is scattered in all directions by the tiny molecules of air in Earth's atmosphere," an answer it sourced from NASA. But in many other circumstances, Google has instead featured incorrect information from Wikipedia and random blogs. When you search Google with Britannica Insights installed, the extension will populate information from the encyclopedia above or alongside Google's own featured snippet. For example, next to the result from NASA, Britannica Insights displays its entry for "Rayleigh scattering," the technical term for the physics phenomenon that turns the sky blue.

The tool works best for that sort of scientific or historical question. It likely won't help mitigate, say, fake political news. If you search for "Who is Alex Jones," Britannica can't help you. Which is fine by the encyclopedia, as it seeks only to play a part in a hopefully collaborative fight against false information online, and hopes to show the world that there are multiple sources to get good information from.

Original reported at:

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