Monday, July 02, 2018

Facebook Ads policies, rejections, and competitive tracking

Brands are getting caught in the cross fire of new Facebook policies and the interpretation on those rules.  Last week two ads by big players P&G and Walmart, were pulled down as they were deemed political and didn't have the "paid for label." This action cause a stir for both brands as their ads were not really political. Facebook rules are available to everyone on their website, however they sometimes, be opened to interpretation. It is this interpretation that might lead to ads being rejected from the platform.

Something else interesting that's happening is that this week, starting today, Facebook will allow any user to see what ads are running for a particular brand on its platform. This not only be very transparent to users but for marketers will be a way to do competitive tracking. All you have to do is go to the page of the brand you'd like ad information on, click on "Info and Ads" to see any running ads.

For more information on Facebook policies, ads that were rejected see links here: 

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