Saturday, July 28, 2018

Trends in Mobile Marketing

Mobile has been growing at a phenomenal pace and marketers are taking note. Some quick stats:
  • There are 4.92 billion mobile users globally, 66% of the total population. (We Are Social, 2017)
  • Global mobile data traffic is projected to increase nearly 3x between 2018-2021. (Statista, 2018)
  • Mobile devices are projected to drive 79% of total global internet usage in 2018. (eMarketer, 2017)
  • The average adult spends 3.1 hours a day consuming digital media on mobile (Mary Meeker’s 2017 Internet Trends Report). That’s approximately 69% of their total media time. (comScore, 2017)
  • 46% of smartphone owners say their device is something they “couldn’t live without.” (Pew Research, 2017)
Trends to look out for in 2018 and forward:
  • Direct-response & programmatic buying will continue to rise
  • Omnichannel will continue to drive consumer narratives
  • Retailers will finally respond to meet the needs of the "mobile majority"
  • Engagement + conversion will be realized with interactive video
  • Rewarded video will become more prominent
  • Brands will get smarter about cross-pollination of products
  • Brands will invest more in apps as a way to connect with consumers and build loyalty
  • Mobile apps and experiences beat ad blocking
  • IT budgets will shift to marketing as advertiser CMOs protect media spend

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