Tuesday, August 07, 2018

Bristly LinkedIn Marketing Annoyed Me

Bristly is a new dog teeth cleaning toy/toothbrush.


This is a product that I would normally be interested in. I have dogs and I care about their dental hygiene. Brushing dogs teeth is a pain but I do it anyway. I would love to have a better solution. However, in marketing bristly, the company thought it would be smart to send potential customers messages over LinkedIn. I got two messages from people on LinkedIn promoting the product. They probably saw that I work in animal healthcare and I am likely to have a dog. I was really annoyed that I was bothered with promotional messages while on LinkedIn. I use LinkedIn to manage my career and professional network. I don't want to be bothered by messages about product promotions. I was so annoyed after the second message that I asked them to stop contacting me and now I feel uninterested in trying or purchasing the product. This is evidence towards the point that LinkedIn is not the right place for marketing consumer products.

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